Hispanic Life In the Northwest Corner Of Connecticut
Hispanics account for about 18.5% of the United States overall population. As of 2019, the Census Bureau estimated that there were 60.5 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States. The Hispanic community has had tremendous population growth in the last decade and keeps on growing more and more every day. Families come to America to start a new life, but it is not easy. Envision yourself in a room trying to understand the new environment you’ve been selected in, with other people who don’t speak the same language as you. It's not easy, but many need this opportunity to start a new chapter in their life. Others need this to escape the poverty and violence they face. They leave their families behind, their culture, their traditions and the life they knew.
More than 500,000 Hispanics/Latinos call Connecticut home. This number only keeps on growing each and every day. Connecticut has become one of the most diverse states in the northeast of the United States. With the increase of Hispanics and Latinos in the state, Connecticut faces a dramatic demographic transformation. Many of these Hispanic/Latino families reside in major cities which include Hartford, Fairfield, New Haven, Danbury, etc. Smaller cities like Litchfield, Middlesex, Farmington, etc. are experiencing an increase in their Hispanic/Latino populations. In Connecticut, the Hispanic/Latino population just keeps on growing.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or “Dream Act” was recently opened and approved to be the process of creating a pass to citizenship for Hispanic/Latinos who came to the United States as a child. This process is not easy and takes time to fully get approved and to start benefiting from its advantages. This act allows “DREAMERS” (people who obtain this permission) to receive a workers permit and also have the opportunity to study and attend a college or university in the United States. This also allows DREAMERS to qualify to pay for in-state tuition. This Act has changed thousands and thousands of kids' lives and given them the opportunity to become someone. It has gotten everyone a step closer in the path to becoming a United States Citizen.
Connecticut became the 11th state in the nation to allow undocumented Hispanic/Latinos to have the opportunity to obtain a Connecticut driver's license which can only be used to register their cars and obtain insurance. This is a great opportunity for many Hispanic/Latinos to obtain an official license and take a step up the ladder getting closer to “El Sueño Americano”

Looking back at the Journeys
The path to chasing a better life takes lots of courage, strength, and desire to want to prosper. Thousands of families or individuals immigrate to the United States in search of better jobs, more opportunities, stronger education and a better environment to live in. They left everything to try and attain a better life. Leaving everything behind and starting and new life. A few families were interviewed and asked about their life before and after arriving in the United States. Their experiences, emotions and dreams all brought forward to us a better understanding of their journeys. As you watch these families tell us about there journey to the United States, take in everything they say and try and put yourself in their shoes. If this were you, would you take the risk of coming to a completely new strange country? Would you leave all your loved ones behind? This is like being reborn again and having to start from zero. Below you will find the interview of each family with a short biography.
Familia #1
Country of Origin (País de origen): México
Esta familia vino a los Estados Unidos en el ano 2003. Ellos vinieron con un hijo de menos de un año de edad con la esperanza de darle una vida mejor. “La vida en México era muy difícil” dijo el señor. No hay muchos trabajos, la educación no es buena, hay mucha violencia y la vida es más difícil. Sabiendo que era muy difícil para apoyar una familia en México, ellos tomaron la decisión de empezar una vida nueva en un país con más oportunidades para ellos y los hijos. No fue una decisión fácil, pero fue la mejor idea. Todo se queda atrás; la familia, la cultura, las comidas, los amigos. Eso es lo más difícil cuando uno toma esta decisión de venir. Ahora ellos están en una posición mejor, con más oportunidades (para ellos y sus hijos), están más cómodos, y son más felices. Ellos Dan gracias a dios por esta oportunidad y por todo lo que han logrado hasta hoy en día. “No es una decisión fácil de tomar, pero las ventajas superan las desventajas”.
English Version: This family came to the United States in 2003. They came with a son who was less than one year old in hopes of giving him a better life. "Life in Mexico was very difficult," said the man. There are not many jobs, education is not good, there is a lot of violence and life is more difficult. Knowing that it was very difficult to support a family in Mexico, they made the decision to start a new life in a country with more opportunities for them and their children. It was not an easy decision, but it was the best idea. Everything is left behind; family, culture, meals, friends. That's the hardest thing when making this decision to come. Now they are in a better position, with more opportunities (for themselves and their children), they are more comfortable, and they are happier. They thank God for this opportunity and for everything they have achieved to date. "It's not an easy decision to make, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."
English Version:
This family came separately to the United States. This husband came to the United States first in 1994 and his wife followed in 2003. This family came with the goal of having a more stable life as well as a safer life and for child they had. They are having a better life here in this country and she tells us “we have jobs, I feel more comfortable, and my children have more security. They have a better education with more opportunities.” Life is not the same, she continues “here there are more benefits that we did not have in our country”. It is not easy to start a new life in a strange country, but it was the best decision we made. "It's like being reborn, you have to start from scratch as if we had nothing." Life here in the United States is much better for them than the life they had in their home country. They too are happy and have many friends and family here.
Familia #2
Country of Origin (País de origen): México
Esta familia vino separado a los Estados Unidos. El Señor llegó a los Estados Unidos primero en el año 1994 y la señora vino después en 2003. La familia vino con el objetivo de tener una vida más estable, una vida más segura para ellos incluyendo el hijo que tenían. Ellos tienen una vida mejor aquí en este país y ella nos dice “tenemos trabajo, me siento más cómoda, y mis hijos tienen más seguridad. Ellos tienen una mejor educación con más oportunidades”. ella menciona que la vida no es la misma porque aqui hay mas beneficios. “No es fácil empezar una vida nueva en un país extraño, pero fue la mejor decisión que tomamos. Es como un volver a nacer, se tiene que empezar desde cero como si no tuviéramos nada”. Su situacion a mejorado en los Estados Unidos. Ellos también son felices y tienen muchos amigos y familiares aquí.
Familia #3
Country of Origin (País de origen): México and Guatemala
Estos individuos vinieron a los Estados Unidos separados. Ellos se conocieron aquí y empezaron una familia. Ellos también dicen que no fue una decisión fácil de tomar, pero fue la mejor decisión que hubieran podido tomar. “La vida en los Estados Unidos no es fácil para un hispano, pero si alguien lo quiero de verdad, todo se puede logar. Todas las metas que alguien tenga se pueden hacer posible con el esfuerzo de uno”. Ellos nos cuentan que hay muchas más oportunidades de ser estable y poder soportar una familia aquí. No es fácil empezar pero se puede lograr. “La vida en nuestro país es difícil. Si tienes sueños no es fácil lograr esos sueños con esas circunstancias”. Esta familia vive una vida mejor aquí en este país. Ellos desean lo mejor para todos los hispanos con un sueño de tener una vida mejor. Ellos siguen prosperando aquí en los Estados Unidos. Muchos de sus sueños se están cumpliendo. Ellos dan gracias por todas las oportunidades que se les ha presentado en esta nueva vida.
English Version:
These individuals came to the United States separately. They mentioned how it was not an easy decision to make, but it was the best decision they could have made for there future. They met here and started a family. “Life in the United States is not easy for a Hispanic, but if someone really wants it, anything can be achieved. All the goals and dreams that someone has can be achieved with hard work and determination. They mention how there are more job opportunities which allow them to support there family.. It is not an easy start but it gets easier. “Life in our country is difficult, if you have dreams it is not easy to achieve those dreams under these circumstances”. This family lives a better life here in the United States. After experiencing it all they know it’s not easy. They continue to thrive here in the United States. Many of there dreams are coming true. Laslty they mention how grateful they are for all of what has come there way.
English Version:
This family came to the United States separately. The husband has been living in the United States for about 16 years and the woman has been living here for 7 years. Then they reunited here with their children after many years. They were stable in their country, but dreamed of having a better life. The woman states "Life in our country is not easy because the situations are not very good”. For this reason they wanted a better life. The husband states "To have a better life with more opportunities". They had the dream of giving their children a better life which included a better education, more security, and more opportunities. Life here in the United States was very difficult at the beginning, but with time you get used to it and learn everything that is important. It's never easy to arrive in a strange country and have to relearn everything. This couple is very happy with what they have achieved and continue to prosper. They are much happier here than in their country of origin and now they have more opportunities to give to their children. "We made the best decision and we are very happy and happy with the life we have now."
Familia #4
Country of Origin (País de origen): Honduras
Esta familia llegó a los Estados Unidos separados. El señor lleva cerca de 16 años viviendo aquí en los y la señora lleva 7 años. Luego ellos se reunieron aquí con sus hijos despues de tantos años. Ellos estuvieron estables en su país, pero soñaban con tener una vida mejor. La señora nos dice “la vida en nuestro país no es fácil porque las situaciones no son muy buenas”. Ellos querian superar su situacion y “tener una vida mejor con más posiblidades” como dijo el señor. Ellos tenían el sueño de darle una vida mejor a sus hijos, con una mejor educación, mas seguridad, y oportunidades. La vida aquí en los Estados Unidos era muy difícil al principio, pero con tiempo uno se va acostumbrando y aprendiendo todo lo importante. Nunca es fácil llegar a un país extraño y tener que volver aprender todo. Esta pareja está muy feliz con lo que han logrado y sigue luchando. Ellos son más felices aquí que en su país de origen y ahora ellos tienen más oportunidad para darle a sus hijos. “Tomamos la mejor decisión y estamos muy alegres y contentos con la vida que tenemos ahora”.
Gracias a todos…….
Miles de familias emigran a los Estados Unidos con un sueño en mente. Estas fueron solo cuatro historias de miles que existen. Este sitio web está destinado a informar y contar las historias y experiencias que existen y no son contadas. Estas experiencias son importantes para compartir porque es bueno reconocer estas familias y sus esfuerzos. Toma mucha valentía tomar estas decisiones. Quisiera darle unas gracias a estas familias que tomaron su tiempo para contarnos un poco de sus historias. Igualmente, quisiera darle unas gracias a la clase de Español 4 en la escuela Salisbury. Ellos ayudaron mucho con las entrevistas y sin la ayuda de ellos no hubiera podido terminar este proyectó. Mis maestras Sra. Montañez y Sra. Philipps me apoyaron mucho con este proyectó y corrigieron todo mi trabajo. Finalmente, unas gracias a Sr. Mokriski por ayudarme para que mi proyecto realmente se destaque. La historia hispana y negra, así como la de otros grupos minoritarios, debe ser reconocida y destacada. Esta historias o experiencias tienen que ser compartidas con el resto del mundo porque son tan importantes como cualquier otra historia que haya contribuido a la historia colorida de los Estados Unidos.
Thank you to everyone….
Thousands of families immigrated to the United States with a dream in mind. These are only 4 stories being told. There are thousands of stories that are still untold. This website is intended to inform and tell the stories and experiences that exist and are not told. These experiences are important to tell because we should acknowledge these families and their efforts. It takes a lot of courage to make these decisions. I would like to thank these families who took the time to tell us a little about their stories on arriving in the United States. Also, I would like to say a big thank you to the Spanish 4 class at Salisbury School. They helped a lot with the interviews and without their help I would not have been able to finish this project. My teachers Mrs. Montañez and Mrs. Philipps were very supportive of this project and helped a lot. And finally, a big thank you to Mr. Mokriski, my teacher for helping me and pushing me along the way to make my project grow and become what is has now. Hispanic and Black history, as well as that of other minority groups, must be recognized and highlighted. This history and experiences must be discovered and shown to the rest of the world. It is as important as any other history of the United States. This is the beginning of coloring our past.
Facts: Hispanics of Connecticut
Beginning in the fall of 2022, Connecticut will require high schools to offer African American, Black, Puerto Rican and Latino studies, becoming the first state in the nation to do so. This law requires high schools in Connecticut to provide an elective course of studies for students to learn more and have a better understanding of African American, Black, Puerto Rican, and other Latino contributions to the US history.
27% of students in the state identify as Hispanic or Latino and 13% identify as Black or African American
Today, US Latinos is the state’s largest ethnic minority, surpassing African Americans for the first time in 2000
Hartford, New Heaven, Bridgeport – biggest populations of Hispanics
More than 500,000 Hispanics call Connecticut home
The state is undergoing a dramatic demographic transformation that is making it one of the most diverse places in the Northeast
Becoming the 11th state in the nation to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for a driver’s license, affording undocumented immigrants the opportunity to obtain a Drive Only license through the Department of Motor vehicles, register their cars, and obtain insurance
According to the Puerto Rican Studies in New York, The Hispanic and Latino populations are expected to continue to increase overtime in Connecticut and nationwide

Sites Used

Work Cited
Asmelash, Leah, and Anna Sturla. “Connecticut Will Become the First State to Require High Schools to Offer Black and Latino Studies in Fall 2022.” CNN, Cable News Network, 9 Dec. 2020, https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/09/us/connecticut-high-schools-black-latino-studies-trnd/index.html.
Bisbort, Alan. “Connecticut Latinos Gaining Influence in Politics, Media and Economics.” CT Insider, 30 Mar. 2022, https://www.ctinsider.com/connecticutmagazine/article/Connecticut-Latinos-Gaining-Influence-in-17040413.php.
“Connecticut.” Obo, https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199913701/obo-9780199913701-0117.xml.
“The DREAM Act: An Overview.” American Immigration Council, 7 Mar. 2022, https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/dream-act-overview.
“Governor Lamont Announces Connecticut Becomes First State in Nation to Require High Schools Provide Courses on Black and Latino Studies.” CT.gov, https://portal.ct.gov/Office-of-the-Governor/News/Press-Releases/2020/12-2020/Governor-Lamont-Announces-Connecticut-Becomes-First-To-Require-Courses-on-Black-and-Latino-Studies.
“How Latinos Are Growing and Reshaping the United States.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/new-latino-landscape/.
President, Julia CusickInterim Vice, et al. “Latinos Face Disproportionate Health and Economic Impacts from Covid-19.” Center for American Progress, 7 Nov. 2021, https://www.americanprogress.org/article/latinos-face-disproportionate-health-economic-impacts-covid-19/.
Wildeman, Mary Katherine. “A Look at Connecticut's Growing, Diverse Hispanic and Latino Populations.” CT Insider, CTInsider, 9 Oct. 2021, https://www.ctinsider.com/news/article/A-look-at-Connecticut-s-growing-diverse-16520069.php.